Monday, March 19, 2012

Good location

So we're slowly trudging through the mud.  It's not easy to figure out all the public entities that regulate breweries, but we have a pretty good game plan. And we're moving forward! I'm working on taking the designs from concepts to submittal right now.  Basically, I'm putting together a floor plan, site plan and elevations.

I'm fortunate to say that the search for the right space did not require months of searching through leasing websites and calling brokers - the space was right under my nose.  That's right, I currently work in the building that I will be transforming into a brewery.

It's a beautiful building that's over 100-years old.  It was completely renovated in the early aughts and is currently a fantastic contrast of modern 21st century office space and history.  I'm sad to say, however, that the stained concrete floors are going to need to be torn up to accommodate trench drains and sloped floors in the brewing area.  It's not going to be the easiest space to run a production brewery from - there are no freight doors and our only loading/unloading area is on Fourth Street in Santa Ana, but we will make it work.

Here are a couple of photos pre-brewery to whet your appetite. 

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